Thursday, August 11, 2011

SYTYCD Season 8!

The final episode of So You Think You Can Dance was tonight :[ I am so sad!! But so so soooooo happy that Melanie won!!! Wooohoooo! Seriously she stole my heart from her audition when she told her story about how her dad died and she pulls strength from that. After I saw her audition, I turned to Jordan and said, "She's gonna win." And I've been her biggest fan ever since! :] Congrats Girl!
If you want to see some of Karol's Favorite Routines by Melanie, check these out on Youtube!
-My Favorite: "I Got You" by Melanie and Marko. A routine about a guy that has been left at the alter, and his best friend comes along to cheer him up. He soon realizes that he really loves her because she has always been there. Makes me cry everytime!
-My Favorite Solo: "Cracks." She made that up right before she went on to perform. SO intense!!
-"Turn to Stone" by Melanie and Marko.

Really, everything she does is so good :] I'm going to miss watching it every single Wednesday and Thursday! Jordan and I didn't miss one episode! Jordan surprised me because he actually loved it too. He was such a sport about watching it, and once he started watching it, he really got into it. He knows some dance terms now, and catches onto concepts. He said, "Wow. Ya know, after watching this show, I now realize that Drill Team sucks." lol which, in a way, is kinda true. Drill doesn't let you explore like this dancing does. lol Annnywaaaysss.... I have enjoyed the quality time with my hubby watching amazing people. Moral of the story. :]
Until next season..:]

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