Monday, August 29, 2011

School Has Started

Today was the first day of school, and I already have a "to-do" list. Oh, the joys of getting an education! I think I forgot how stressful being a student is. I mean, with due dates, papers, online assignments, and readings. They don't lie when they say that being a "full time student" really means a full time job! As for me, I had 2 classes today, Instructional Media and Classroom Management I. My professors? Well...lets just say the first one is deaf in one ear, so you literally have to yell to ask her a question or answer, and the second one screams, makes us do jumping jacks, sing annoying songs, and told us that she absolutely hates all of her daughter/son-in-laws. Perfect. So far so good, right? :] As for my husband, he said that it was a good day. I can't wait for him to come home and tell me all about it! All he said was he was "feeling good, and my communications teacher is a hit." So time will soon tell. Here are some pictures of my man on his first day of school ;) He wasn't exactly thrilled I took these, but I needed some pictures for this blog post, come on! He looked so handsome:] Until later..buh bye for now :]

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Not A Day Goes By...

that I don't FIRMLY believe that Jordan is made for me :] We are meant to be together, no doubt about it.
"I don't mind your odd behavior, it's the very thing I love."

Let Me Reflect a cleaning day. One of Jordan's mission companions from Arizona is coming to stay with us for a few days. Elder Biggs. So needless to say, I'm a little OCD about what my apartment looks like when people come over, so I am cleaning all day today :[ and making a nice dinner (hopefully it's nice) AND hopefully I have time to straighten my hair amongst that mix of events. It should be fun though to have Derrik here, he's one of Jordan's best friends, so a visit makes him happy. And when he's happy, I'm happy!
So besides our joyous next few days, I just thought I would share a little bit more about my thoughts lately. It's back to school time, people. Not quite sure how I feel about that. Jordan's family had a back-to-school barbeque last night which was a ton of fun! Hopefully I can get pictures posted soon, I'm sure Keisha and Lori got a ton of really cute ones! I love seeing my niece and nephews every chance I can get, they make us laugh and smile every second. I love them so much. But yeah, I'm a little nervous to go back to school. I'm taking 16 credits this time, so I guess we will just see how I balance school, family, and a hubby :] This is a first...but that's life! I'll keep you updated on our first day of school! (possibly take some pictures if Jordan will let me;)
I've also been thinking about my old college days with roommates and not knowing anybody in Dixie. It's everywhere on Facebook: people saying it's their first day, showing pictures of their bedrooms, bath area, first meal, first friends....ect. Kinda gets annoying...but fun for them I guess! I never really did that, I just had my mind set on school and that's about it, which may or may not be a good thing. I mean, I did miss out on all the fun stuff college has to offer, but all for a good cause I presume. (Although I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.) All together, I'm just SO glad I don't have to meet new roomies, change apartments, and pay 75 cents for a batch of laundry. I'm so HAPPY to be married and past that!!
Lastly, yesterday gave me quite a scare.
Mika rolled his truck.

I didn't have my phone with me, and Jordan came home for lunch and said that Mika rolled his truck. I told him no, cause Jordan always teases and sometimes I just can't take him seriously. But he said he was serious and I still didn't believe him, so he told me to go chech my phone, that my dad had been trying to call me. So I got my phone and sure enough, I had a few missed calls. Instantly a boulder forms in my throat. I call my mom and she told me that they were at the hospital and Mika was getting a Cat Scan right now. Then she told me the story about how him and Caleb Monson was mowing lawns that day, and he had drove down the canal bank by Flying J to where they dump their grass clippings. Well, they were coming back, and the dirt road had just been grated, and Mika hit some loose gravel and started to drift towards the canal bank. I think Mika got scared and turned the wheel the other way, over correcting, and flipped it down the bank on the other side. Well it rolled once and landed on it's top. The hood of the truck came down and the steering wheel came in towards him and he got knocked out cold. Caleb crawled out and came around to Mika's side and somehow pulled him out too and called 911. He thought he was dead, so once Mika started waking up, Caleb hung up the phone lol. Next thing that happened, Mika called my parents and they came and got them and took them to the hospital. Caleb had to get 2 stitches in this shoulder, and Mika had 4 staples in his knee, a concussion, whiplash, and a compressed disk in his back. After the hospital, he went home to rest and had plenty of visitors all day long. I'm SO THANKFUL he's ok. It makes so scared to think about how easily accidents happen. Everyday I think about my dad or Jordan, and how much they drive with work, and I just pray that they come home safe, cause you honestly just never know! But I think that the moral of this story is to wear your seatbelts! Both boys were wearing theirs! Honestly, ever since Mika was a little kid, he never gets into a car without wearing his seatbelt. He's so good at clicking every single time, even if the destination is just down the street. I definitely need to be more like him and wear my seatbelt. I guess some lessons are learned the hard way!
But with that's already noon o' clock and I got to get cleaning! Hope everybody has a good day!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

SYTYCD Season 8!

The final episode of So You Think You Can Dance was tonight :[ I am so sad!! But so so soooooo happy that Melanie won!!! Wooohoooo! Seriously she stole my heart from her audition when she told her story about how her dad died and she pulls strength from that. After I saw her audition, I turned to Jordan and said, "She's gonna win." And I've been her biggest fan ever since! :] Congrats Girl!
If you want to see some of Karol's Favorite Routines by Melanie, check these out on Youtube!
-My Favorite: "I Got You" by Melanie and Marko. A routine about a guy that has been left at the alter, and his best friend comes along to cheer him up. He soon realizes that he really loves her because she has always been there. Makes me cry everytime!
-My Favorite Solo: "Cracks." She made that up right before she went on to perform. SO intense!!
-"Turn to Stone" by Melanie and Marko.

Really, everything she does is so good :] I'm going to miss watching it every single Wednesday and Thursday! Jordan and I didn't miss one episode! Jordan surprised me because he actually loved it too. He was such a sport about watching it, and once he started watching it, he really got into it. He knows some dance terms now, and catches onto concepts. He said, "Wow. Ya know, after watching this show, I now realize that Drill Team sucks." lol which, in a way, is kinda true. Drill doesn't let you explore like this dancing does. lol Annnywaaaysss.... I have enjoyed the quality time with my hubby watching amazing people. Moral of the story. :]
Until next season..:]

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pleasant Surprise

Today, I fell asleep on the couch after I got home from work.
I woke up to flowers, dove  chocolates, and a stud telling me he loved me :]
Basically I have the best/cutest husband in the world!
He always knows how to make my day, and I am so SO THANKFUL for him!!
Love You Jord:]


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