Monday, October 10, 2011

Life Through Karol-Colored Glasses

Remember this? I completely forgot about it until today when I was looking through my old blog. Sometimes I used to write about my day, feelings, and thoughts, and I would title it "Life Through Karol-Colored Glasses." I think I need to start that up again, however, it feels like I really don't have a lot to say like when I was in that past time in my life. But I'll do my best, so here it goes!
  • My house is a mess! I think I'm just a really overly-clean freak type of a person, because it never seems like I can catch up! Something always needs to be cleaned. Jordan tells me our house isn't dirty, that it looks just fine, but I guess I don't think so. Lol I just think to myself, if this little "messy" house drives me nuts, imagine what a big dirty house with children is gonna be like! I think that's one thing I'm going to have to learn when I'm a relax a little.
  • I've gotten the bug. The "healthy" bug. I have started to work out, and this time I'm totally serious about it! Jordan made me a work out system last night (I'm so grateful I have a husband that knows what he is doing, cause I surely don't!) and I started it this morning. Monday and Friday are my hard days, and Wednesdays are my insane days! Sounds fun? Well, I am just excited for the results! I have let my body have a vacation for too long, so now it's back to real life which means..back to the drawing board. 
  • I'm tired of being cooped up in this little apartment, I want out!! It just feels like I'm wasting my days and my time. I feel like a break down is on its way.
  • Sometimes I wish I had a job. I feel guilty that Jordan goes to school, works, and comes home to do homework, when I sit on my but basically all day. Sometimes I get frustrated with myself. Sometimes I wonder if Jordan gets frustrated with me. I guess it's just kind of a touchy subject with me...who knows what to do in life.
  • Yesterday, our stake had Stake Conference, and let me tell ya, it rocked my socks! Every single talk was so amazing, and I swear I cried in every one of them. The area of the seventy told a story about a boy named Danny who loved baseball and was handicapped, and he hit a homerun during this last baseball game. I looked all over the internet for the story, and couldn't find it! Shoot, it was SO worth sharing!

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