Monday, April 23, 2012

Surprise Shower

So today kicked off finals week, and my cohort decided to have a luncheon. I was in charge of bringing cookies! I was just headed out the door with all my stuff when I sneezed. Yes, sneezed. And it broke my tailbone. I SWEAR!!! I sneezed and I think I scared my little man and he kicked my tailbone, and either broke it or bruised it really bad. I just screamed and started crying, and Jordan is just looking at me with huge eyes like what the heck just happened!! I told him I hurt my tailbone and he just looked at me weird. Well, I was in pain the whole drive to school, getting up off of my seat to a standing position is WAY painful, and basically I just hurt. It's not going away...and yeah idk. People might think I'm crazy, but I know what I feel. lol
But anyways, I get to school today and there is a table set up with a blue table cloth and a "Baby Shower" banner. My cohort threw me a surprise baby shower, and I was so flattered/excited!! They are the NICEST bunch of girls and one guy I know! I got a ton of cute cute clothes and baby essentials like shampoo and wipes, and I am just so thankful! Thank all of you SO MUCH! I was so surprised!!
So for now...I am waiting for my hubby to get home so I can show him everything, and I am trying to find a comfortable position...which is not working. My next appointment is in 2 days, my glucose test :S so wish me luck!

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